Smarten PMML Integration

Create PMML Models In Other Platforms And Use In Smarten!

Use PMML Models for Faster Roll-Out Without Coding

Leverage Smarten Workflow for PMML Predictive Models

Discover the power of Smarten PMML Integration. With Smarten PMML Integration, models created using other familiar platforms like Python, R, Java, KNIME and other platforms, can be integrated in Smarten workflow without complex coding, scripting, or programming. Business users can easily import PMML files for use within the Smarten workflow.

Use the models you have trained and created in other platforms to analyze and use models within the Smarten environment. It’s simple!

The ready-to-use Smarten workflow guides the user from validation of the model to roll-out in the production environment. Smarten PMML integration provides simple language interpretation of models and enables predictions using single and multiple test records with user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) or Web services API.

Smarten PMML Integration enables a seamless process, designed for business users. Users can import PMML models and enjoy full integration and the full power of the Smarten feature set.


  • Roll-out PMML models to users with ready-to-use workflow. No programming or scripting required.
  • Create models in any platform, e.g., Python, R, Java, KNIME etc. to use directly in Smarten.
  • Enjoy interoperability among Smarten and other platforms using PMML standards.
  • Ready-to-use workflow from validation of model to roll-out in production environment.
  • Simple interpretation of models in English.
  • Validation summary of models.
  • All internal PMML model information logically organized.
  • Make predictions using single and multiple test records with user-friendly GUI.
  • Support of REST-API for third-party apps for predictions.

With Smarten PMML Integration you can simplify, streamline, and integrate your analytical process, for swift, clear predictive analytics in a user-friendly environment designed for every business user.


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