Smart Data Visualization Gets it Done!

Smart Data Visualization Makes Your Users Smarter! What on earth is smart data visualization? Is it a computer that actually ‘sees’ data for you and does the analysis? Not quite. Sorry to say that even with advanced analytics that provides smart data visualization, you will […]

Smart Data Visualisation to Simplify Analytics!

Is Smart Data Visualization and Visual Analytics Right for My Business Users? Smart Data Visualization is a crucial component of augmented data discovery. This critical feature enables sophisticated analysis with guided visualization tools that auto-recommend displays and data views based on data type, volume, dimensions, […]

Smart Visualization Tools Make You Smarter

Why Should I Care About Smart Visualization and Advanced Data Discovery? Are you up on the latest analytics lingo or do you still think smart visualization is some kind of artificial eyeball? Well, before you embarrass yourself at the next business conference, let’s get the […]

Data Visualization Software for Business Users

Smart Data Visualization Takes the Guesswork Out of Analytics! Smart data visualization tools should include augmented data discovery with features that guide and show business users how to get the most out of data and how to display that data in a way that will […]

Is Smart Data Visualization Really Smart?

What’s So Great About Smart Data Visualization? Exactly what is smart data visualization? Are we now dependent on a computer or a piece of software to decide how we see our data? Have we lost control of our reporting, data sharing and data views? The […]

Smart Data Visualization Makes Users Smarter

Smart Data Visualization Guides Users to Clear Data in the Right View! Imagine if your advanced data discovery tool could take the guesswork out of data preparation and visualization and allow your business users to see past the obvious to find the true insight and […]

What is Advanced Analytics and How Can it Advance Your Organization?

The term ‘Advanced Analytics’ can seem daunting to the average business user and even to the average business enterprise but the process is not as complex as it may seem. What is Advanced Analytics? Advanced Analytics is comprised of numerous sophisticated analytical techniques, designed to […]