Predictive Analytics Tools for All Skills!

Assisted Predictive Modeling: The Word ‘Assisted’ is the Key! Assisted predictive modeling! The term sounds complex and intimidating, doesn’t it? But nothing could be further from the truth. The word ‘assisted’ is the key! It is true that without the skills and knowledge of a […]

Predictive Modeling Does Not Have to be Complicated!

Assisted Predictive Modeling Delivers Predictive Analytics to Business Users! When we use terms like ‘predictive analytics’, it sometimes puts off the general business population. Team members might envision everything from a crystal ball to complex charts and graphs with unreadable numbers and conclusions. While predictive […]

What is Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)?

What is Automated Machine Learning? Quite simply, it is the means by which your business can optimize resources, encourage collaboration and rapidly and dependably distribute data across the enterprise and use that data to predict, plan and achieve revenue goals. With the right tools, today’s […]

Citizen Data Scientists and Augmented Analytics!

Learning for Citizen Data Scientists and Data Literacy Across the Enterprise! So you want to transform your business users and encourage learning for Citizen Data Scientists to enable data literacy across your enterprise? If your business is like most, your average business user doesn’t know […]

Assisted Predictive Modeling for Business Users!

How Can I Leverage Assisted Predictive Modeling to Benefit My Business? Some people hear the term ‘assisted predictive modeling’ and their eyes cross. They immediately presume that we are talking about something complex and certainly NOT for them. Nothing could be further from the truth. […]

Is Plug & Play Predictive Analytics Good for Business Users?

Can Plug & Play Predictive Analytics Help Business Users Function Effectively? Plug & Play Predictive Analytics is not an exotic process that is limited to data scientists or IT staff. Plug & play predictive analysis is so named because it really is a plug and […]

Plug n’ Play Predictive Analytics for Your Business

How Can Assistive Predictive Modeling Help My Business Users? Assistive Predictive Modeling allows business users to leverage a self-serve advanced analytical tool and to enjoy complex, sophisticated forecasting and business predictions in a simple, user-friendly dashboard environment – all without the skills of an analyst, […]

Assisted Predictive Modeling and Analytics for Everyone

Need Analytics for Business Users AND Data Scientists? No Problem! Does your business intelligence solution provide true advanced analytics capabilities? Can your BI tool satisfy the needs of business users, data scientists and IT staff? That may seem like a tall order but with the […]

Predictive Analytics Can Guide the Organization to Success

Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis for Accurate Forecasting! There are numerous considerations when a business looks at upgrading or acquiring an analytical solution. One very important capability is Put n’ Play predictive analysis. Assisted Predictive Modeling and predictive analysis tools should include sophisticated functionality in […]