Predictive Analytics Techniques That Are Easy Enough for Business Users! There are a myriad of predictive analytics techniques and predictive modeling algorithms and you can’t expect your business users to understand and use them. If you are taking on an advanced analytics initiative and you […]
Tag: Predictive Analytics
Data Science and Predictive Analytics Made Simple! Imagine a world where data science and predictive analytics tools are created for business users! That world exists today with the evolution of sophisticated, yet easy-to-use tools that include predictive analytics for business users, visual analytics software and […]
How Can I Leverage Assisted Predictive Modeling to Benefit My Business? Some people hear the term ‘assisted predictive modeling’ and their eyes cross. They immediately presume that we are talking about something complex and certainly NOT for them. Nothing could be further from the truth. […]
Biz Users Get Plug n’ Play Analytics, Data Scientists Get R Integration! When someone says ‘plug n’ play’, a lot of people think of the idea of plugging in an electrical appliance and having it run instantly. I think plug n’ play analysis should be […]
Your Business Users Will LOVE Predictive Analytics Tools! Predictive Analytics used to involve a crystal ball but, today, there are other options and they are more widely accepted in the business community! With the right predictive analytics tool, your business can hypothesize, test theories, discover […]
The process of predictive analytics has come far in the past decade. No longer is this process the sole responsibility of data scientists or IT staff. Today’s self-serve predictive analytics and forecasting tools are designed to support business users and data analysts alike. What is […]
This is a video of a presentation which outlines how a predictive analytics model can be set up for the sales department of a consumer product company. You can find other educational resources by browsing our Augmented Analytics Videos and Augmented Analytics Learning pages.
This video looks at a scenario where data on workforce comprising of education, years with the organisation, number of wholesale stockiest managed by the individual, CAGR in sales for individual and value of sales is analysed to determine which factor impacts the sales and to […]
This video has a presentation on how one can use data from multiple systems across the organisation along with data from external sources to run predictive analytics using Assisted Predictive Modeling. The video has a complete presentation which is followed by a demonstration. Each of […]
This article provides a brief explanation of the Holt-Winters Forecasting model and its application in the business environment. What is the Holt-Winters Forecasting Algorithm? The Holt-Winters algorithm is used for forecasting and It is a time-series forecasting method. Time series forecasting methods are used to […]