Choose an Augmented Analytics Solution Your Business Users Will WANT to Adopt! Your senior management team has decided to engender digital transformation and improve data literacy across the enterprise. As a primary step in this process, the team wants to implement an augmented analytics solution […]
Tag: Predictive Analytics
How Can I Make it Easier for Business Users to Perform Analytics? When a business wants to roll out advanced analytics to its business users, it must consider the average skill level and understanding of analytical techniques and ensure that the solution it chooses will […]
Is Predictive Analytics Real or Does it Promise More Than it Delivers? Why would anyone want or need to use predictive analytics? What good is forecasting anyway? Doesn’t it always end up being wrong? Well, no! That’s why wise businesses use these techniques to plan […]
Business Users Don’t Have to Be Data Scientists (But Basic Knowledge is Great) When you launch an analytics solution within your enterprise, you are probably concerned about getting your business users to adopt that solution. If you can’t engage the business user and achieve user […]
How Can I Decide Whether My Team Would Actually Benefit from Augmented Analytics? Sometimes it is difficult to imagine how a new process, technique or software solution might help your business. You see the demos, you read the marketing messages and you wonder if there […]
How to Evaluate Business Users in Their New Role as Citizen Data Scientist! When a business initiates a Citizen Data Scientist movement within its ranks, it is important to recognize the other changes that will be required in order to reinforce the value of the […]
Predictive Analytics is a Critical Component of an Augmented Analytics Suite! Analytics and advanced analytics techniques can seem daunting to the average business user but they need not be. If a business wants its users to adopt and use analytics tools, an augmented analytics solution […]
How a Citizen Data Scientist Can Help Others Adjust to the New Reality! When a business user is given the mantle of Citizen Data Scientist, they being a journey that can help to advance their career, provide leadership experience and improve visibility across the organization. […]
What Are Citizen Data Scientists? Citizen Data Scientists represent a new breed of business analysts – a group of individuals with diverse business responsibilities and training, who wield sophisticated analytical tools, and employ complex methods of analysis to improve business results – all without the […]
From Business Intelligence to Augmented Analytics: Tips for a Crucial Transformation! As business intelligence solutions and BI Tools evolve into Augmented Analytics, business users can achieve valuable insight and take appropriate action to optimize resources and enable continuous improvement. As Gartner has predicted, the market […]