In this white paper, we focus on the practical use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics tools and present several business use cases to illustrate how this approach to analytics can support business goals and help the enterprise to achieve […]
Tag: Predictive Analytics Tools
Assisted Predictive Modeling Enables Business Users to Predict Results with Easy-to-Use Tools! Gartner predicted that, ‘75% of organizations will have deployed multiple data hubs to drive mission-critical data and analytics sharing and governance.’ With all of this business data, how can your organization a) help […]
Can Generative AI (GenAI) Help My Business? Whether you are in the business of technology, or an average citizen, there is no doubt you know about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and you have probably heard or read about the advances made in Generative AI (GenAI). According […]
Predictive Analytics Techniques That Are Easy Enough for Business Users! There are a myriad of predictive analytics techniques and predictive modeling algorithms and you can’t expect your business users to understand and use them. If you are taking on an advanced analytics initiative and you […]
Predictive Analytics is no longer limited to data scientists. Today, predictive analytics is, and must be, accessible to business users, if your enterprise is to grow and respond to the need for data democratization and increased productivity within the enterprise and to the rapid changes […]
How Can My Business Use Assisted Predictive Modeling to Optimize Resources? There was a time, not so long ago, when predictive analysis, business forecasting and planning for results involved guesswork and lots of unscientific review of historical data. But, today’s competitive business landscape and rapidly […]
Leave it to the Software! Predictive Analytics for the Faint of Heart! Assisted Predictive Modeling, Predictive Analytics. Those terms strike terror in the hearts of most business users, and that is understandable. These mysterious-sounding terms sound complicated and lead business users to imagine confounding, confusing […]
The world of business analytics has changed dramatically in the past few years. If your business is looking to upgrade BI tools or to begin implementing an analytics solution, the solution must be user friendly for business users. The tools exist today for augmented analytics, […]
Plug n’ Play Predictive Analytics Solutions for Every Business User! Predictive analysis is very important to your organization. If you can dependably predict and forecast results, you can stay ahead of the competition, address changing customer needs, capitalize on opportunities and solve problems before they […]
Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis: Sophisticated, Yet Easy for Every User! Oh, the confusion of advanced analytical terminology. Read a report, attend a conference and your head is swirling with terms like ‘assisted predictive modeling’, plug n’ play predictive analysis, smart visualization, augmented data discovery […]