NLP Search and Clickless Analytics Improves User Adoption!

Clickless Analytics and NLP Search Ensures User Adoption of Analytics! It’s human nature! People will always find the easiest way to do something and stick to that approach. So, if you are considering a self-serve approach to analytics in your organization, and you want to […]

Citizen Data Scientists Are Key. So Is the Solution They Use.

Considering Citizen Data Scientists? Select the Augmented Analytics Solutions That Will Best Support Them! The concept of Citizen Data Scientist has been around a while now but some businesses still don’t understand the benefits and value this approach can provide. World-renowned technology analysis firm Gartner […]

Citizen Data Scientists Deserve Digital Transformation!

Digital Transformation and Citizen Data Scientists Go Hand-in-Hand! Gartner predicts that, ‘50% of organizations will adopt modern data quality solutions to better support their digital business initiatives.’ As businesses adapt to the reality of digital transformation (Dx) and the integration of new technology with business […]

There Are Many Benefits to Being A Citizen Data Scientist!

Being a Citizen Data Scientist Can Advance Your Career and Provide Benefits! If your enterprise has nominated you for the role of a Citizen Data Scientist, you must have the right tools and augmented analytics features to help you fulfill your role. Gartner states that, […]

NLP Search Makes Business User Analytics Easy!

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Supports Business Users with Analytics in Human Language! If you are trying to implement data democratization and analytics for business users but your team members are intimidated by analytics, there is some good news! If you choose the right solution, you […]

Why Should I Consider the Citizen Data Scientist Role?

Taking on the Citizen Data Scientist Role: What’s in it for Me? As a team member within a business environment, you may be aware of the term ‘Citizen Data Scientist.’ This term has been around for some time and was popularized by Gartner. Gartner says […]

Use Self-Serve Analytics to Enable Data Democratization!

How Can I Encourage Data Democratization with BI and Augmented Analytics Tools? What is business intelligence democratization? Put simply, BI democratization is the open access to business intelligence and analytical tools to enable analysis and understanding of the data within the enterprise systems. The ‘democratization’ […]

Achieve Continuous Improvement with Citizen Data Scientists!

Include Citizen Data Scientists in Your Continuous Improvement Program and Make it Happen! If you have spent any time in the world of business, you have heard the term, ‘continuous improvement.’ As the name suggests, Continuous Improvement is meant to be ongoing. When an enterprise […]

How Can Embedded BI Improve ROI and TCO?

The ‘Why’ of Embedded BI with Integration APIs! Your business probably has a lot of software and apps to address your various needs. From ERP to CRM, HRMS and accounting, to production management, payroll, etc. You may even have provided a database or data management […]

Let Your Team See the Value of Being a Citizen Data Scientist!

Business Use Cases Paint a Clear Picture of Results for Citizen Data Scientists! As businesses plan for data democratization, it is important to include a strategy to ensure that business users will accept augmented analytics solutions and adapt to the new Citizen Data Scientist role. […]