Citizen Data Scientists Can Collaborate with Others!

How Should My Citizen Data Scientists Work with Data Scientists and Analysts? Gartner has predicted that, ‘30% of organizations will harness the collective intelligence of their analytics communities, outperforming competitors that rely solely on centralized analytics or self-service.’ What does this mean for business Citizen […]

Embedded BI Can Encourage Data Literacy!

Technology research and consulting firm, Gartner, predicts that, ‘By 2023, data literacy will become an explicit and necessary driver of business value, demonstrated by its formal inclusion in over 80% of data and analytics strategies and change management programs.’ One of the best ways to […]

Please Consider Your Business Users When Selecting an Analytics and Data Search Tool!

This article should serve as a plea on behalf of the average business user! Business users are business professionals who have expertise in an industry or market arena or perform a function to support the ongoing operation of the business – professionals who may be […]

Citizen Data Scientists Can Help You Achieve Your Goals!

Think of What Citizen Data Scientists Can Do to Help Your Business! Whether you have recently been nominated to become a Citizen Data Scientist or you are considering the value of this type of transition for your business, managers and team members alike often ask […]

3 Things Citizen Data Scientists Need in Predictive Analytics!

The technology research firm, Gartner has predicted that, ‘predictive and prescriptive analytics will attract 40% of net new enterprise investment in the overall business intelligence and analytics market.’ When combined with Citizen Data Scientist initiatives, the adoption and use of predictive modeling and forecasting techniques […]

Get Context-Driven Natural Language Processing for the Best Search Results!

If your business is focused on data-driven, fact-based decisions, your business users may be leveraging an analytics solution to gather, find and analyze data. Business goals include improving results and productivity, and getting the best results out of your data, as well as gaining meaningful […]

Enjoy the Benefits of Citizen Data Scientist Initiatives!

Business Users & Data Scientists Benefit from Citizen Data Scientist Initiatives! A business that does not optimize its resources is doomed to fail. In this rapidly changing business environment and market, every organization must make the best of precious human resources. No one has enough […]

SME Businesses Must Engage in Culture Change to Successfully Integrate Self-Serve Advanced Analytics!

Small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) are often challenged to satisfy all the roles and responsibilities in the organization and most team members wear more than one hat. That feeling of being overstretched is typical of growing businesses and, in an increasingly competitive market with […]

Why Should I WANT to be a Citizen Data Scientist?

3 Benefits of Making the Transition from Business User to Citizen Data Scientist! If you are a business owner, executive or manager, you have already heard about (and are probably implementing) strategies for Citizen Data Scientists. If you are a business user, you may be […]