White Paper: Organizational Readiness Is Crucial to the Success of an Advanced Analytics Initiative

There are many variables to the success of an advanced analytics solution but the primary pitfalls for this type of project can be traced back to poor planning. If the organization is not ready for self-serve advanced analytics, the initiative will fail. Organizational readiness is, […]

The Smarten Advanced Analytics Team Will Participate in the Vibrant Global Summit, Jan 18-22, 2019

ElegantJ BI is pleased to announce that it will participate in The Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2019, where it will engage with partners and clients and demonstrate its Smarten product and innovative approach to advanced analytics. The Summit will take place at the Mahatma Mandir […]

Gartner ‘Other Vendors to Consider for Modern Analytics and BI’, October, 2018 Includes Elegant MicroWeb (Smarten) in Category; Other Modern: Asia-Focused

ElegantJ BI, an innovative vendor with its Smarten approach to Augmented Analytics and Self-Serve Data Preparation, is pleased to announce that Elegant MicroWeb (Smarten) is included as one of the Other Modern: Asia-Focused Vendors in the Gartner ‘Other Vendors to Consider for Modern Analytics and […]

White Paper: Self-Serve Data Preparation Provides Significant Benefit to the Enterprise

By providing sophisticated analytical features and algorithms in an easy-to-use self-serve environment, the enterprise enables business users to perform data preparation and test theories and hypotheses and prototype on their own. Rather than preparing data at the central meta-data layer, and restricting what business users […]

White Paper: Citizen Data Scientists Engender Business Success

In this white paper, we will discuss the emergence and importance of Citizen Data Scientists and the role of self-serve data preparation, smart data visualization and plug n’ play predictive analysis in transforming business users into Citizen Data Scientists. The wise organization must establish a […]