Improve Apps and Software with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improve My Business and Consumer Apps? It is impossible to listen to the news, read a business publication or browse social media without finding an article or story about Artificial Intelligence (AI). Grand View Research predicts that, “AI will see an […]

The Musk AI Model: Grok and Its Impact on the Market!

Elon Musk recently announced the introduction of an artificial intelligence (AI) product to compete with the OpenAI ChatGPT product suite. This product, named Grok, is currently available in beta version only, and is in limited release to a select number of users in the United […]

A Look at the Acronyms and Meaning of AI Technology!

If you are a business owner, an IT professional or a consumer, you have probably heard about artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and the myriad of buzzwords and acronyms that describe the various products, technologies and services. In this article, we will cut through the confusion […]

OpenAI and GPT Can Be Used (With Caution) by Tech Businesses!

If you are in the business of technology, you may be wondering how, if at all, you can incorporate OpenAI, Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) and artificial intelligence (AI) into your services and solutions. Recent research reveals that deep learning model training resources have doubled every […]

Ideas to Get You Started with Generative AI Capabilities!

If you have been following the industry and market discussions about Artificial Intelligence (AI), you know that there is a lot of controversy about how and when it can be used and about its readiness for public consumption. There are some ways you can leverage […]

Understand OpenAI, GPT and ChatGPT!

It is difficult to avoid the discussion of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Today, the buzz is everywhere; in trade publications, in the media and on the news. Probably the most frequently discussed aspect of AI development is the ChatGPT revolution. Technology research firm Gartner recently estimated […]

You Can Optimize GPT If You Understand its Limitations!

The topic of Artificial Intelligence or AI is ubiquitous. Lately, it seems that every media and news outlet has a story on AI and on ChatGPT. For the average consumer, the world of AI may be foreign and limited to their experience with the newest […]

You Don’t Have to Wait for AI, But You Should Plan Carefully!

If you are a business owner, technology user or a fan of the news media, it would be difficult to avoid the topic of GPT and artificial intelligence (AI) in today’s news cycle. Whether you are looking at ChatGPT or Open AI and wondering how […]

ChatGPT AI Provides Promise with Some Caveats!

As society evolves, the pace of change becomes more rapid. Technology is perhaps the fastest changing sector of society with new advances every day, and artificial intelligence (AI) is the most disruptive and rapidly changing technology segment in the world. One of the most intriguing […]