Gartner Predicts Growth of Augmented Analytics!

Augmented Analytics Tools Designed to Support the Future! As one of its Strategic Assumptions, Gartner predicted that ‘By 2020, more than 40% of data science tasks will be automated, resulting in increased productivity and broader usage by citizen data scientists.’ Gartner also predicts that the […]

Predictive Modeling Does Not Have to be Complicated!

Assisted Predictive Modeling Delivers Predictive Analytics to Business Users! When we use terms like ‘predictive analytics’, it sometimes puts off the general business population. Team members might envision everything from a crystal ball to complex charts and graphs with unreadable numbers and conclusions. While predictive […]

Balance Data Quality with Data Agility!

Data Quality vs. Data Agility – A Balanced Approach! Sometimes we are so focused on perfection that we do not see the benefit of agility. Consider the emergence of the brainstorming concept as an example. We learned quite some time ago that if used the […]

A Message For Your Business: How to Become Data Literate!

Why is Data Literacy Important? If you have attended technology conferences or read industry publications, you have probably heard the term ‘Data Literacy’. If your enterprise is considering undertaking an initiative to encourage and nurture data literacy in your organization, you may be looking for […]

Smarten Augmented Analytics: Sophistication and Simplicity

Discover the Smarten approach to Augmented Analytics and Advanced Data Discovery tools. These tools allow business users to leverage augmented analytics that provide guides and suggestions to help the business user more quickly and effectively produce clear advanced analytics with little to no training, thereby […]

How Do I Prove the Value of Self-Serve Augmented Data Discovery?

How does one measure the effectiveness of a new Augmented Data Discovery solution? Once the business has chosen data democratization and implemented a self-serve analytics solution, it must measure ROI & TCO and establish metrics that will compare business results achieved before and after the […]

What is Natural Language Processing & How Does it Benefit a Business? (Part 3 of 3 articles)

Whether we know it or not, we use Natural Language Processing every day. It makes it easier for us to interact with computers and software and allows us to perform complex searches and tasks without the help of a programmer, developer or analyst. In this, […]