Predictive Analysis Tools are Not Just for Analysts

Plug n’ Play Predictive Analytics Solutions for Every Business User! Predictive analysis is very important to your organization. If you can dependably predict and forecast results, you can stay ahead of the competition, address changing customer needs, capitalize on opportunities and solve problems before they […]

Plug n’ Play! Analytics that Leads Business Users to Success

Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis: Sophisticated, Yet Easy for Every User! Oh, the confusion of advanced analytical terminology. Read a report, attend a conference and your head is swirling with terms like ‘assisted predictive modeling’, plug n’ play predictive analysis, smart visualization, augmented data discovery […]

Do Citizen Data Scientists Mark the Death of Data Scientists?

To be successful in business, every organization must find a way to accurately forecast and predict the future of its market, and its internal operations, and better understand the buying behavior of its customers and prospects. With the democratization of business intelligence and the advent […]

Citizen Data Scientists? Yay or Nay?

It seems that everyone today is talking about Citizen Data Scientists. For some organizations the concept is perhaps frightening. The term may conjure up images of novices trying to do the work of someone with years of training and failing miserably in the process. For […]