Clickless Analytics – Augmented Analytics

Gartner recently released a paper on Augmented Analytics which is described as “An approach that automates insights using machine learning, and natural-language generation.” So as a gyani disseminating free gyan on the internet, I have chosen to write a few words on this. This blog […]

White Paper: Self-Serve Data Preparation Provides Significant Benefit to the Enterprise

By providing sophisticated analytical features and algorithms in an easy-to-use self-serve environment, the enterprise enables business users to perform data preparation and test theories and hypotheses and prototype on their own. Rather than preparing data at the central meta-data layer, and restricting what business users […]

Data Discovery Tools Are Crucial Tools for Business Users

Advanced Analytics Software and Smart Visualization Empowers Business Users. Advanced Analytics Software, Data Discovery Tools and Smart Visualization can improve your planning and forecasting process, and empower your organization. The Smarten Business Intelligence environment provides advanced analytics tools that are simple enough for business users […]

Citizen Data Scientists? Yay or Nay?

It seems that everyone today is talking about Citizen Data Scientists. For some organizations the concept is perhaps frightening. The term may conjure up images of novices trying to do the work of someone with years of training and failing miserably in the process. For […]

White Paper: Citizen Data Scientists Engender Business Success

In this white paper, we will discuss the emergence and importance of Citizen Data Scientists and the role of self-serve data preparation, smart data visualization and plug n’ play predictive analysis in transforming business users into Citizen Data Scientists. The wise organization must establish a […]