‘Facts are to the mind what food is to the body’ ~ Edmund Burke ~

India is not exempt from the Corona Virus (COVID-19) and, as with every other country around the world, the prospect of infection and spread throughout the cities of India is a daunting idea. Facts, scientific and medical advice and information is what will get us through. In order to support the citizens of India with timely, accurate information and mitigate the risk of panic and the spread of misinformation,
Smarten has launched a website that will provide data and analytics to track the trends and statistics and map the spread of reported cases across the country.
Information is power! Get the facts and the most current data with analytics that are easy to understand and share on Smarten Corona COVID-19 Virus Analytics for India
This site also provides links to other global sites for up-to-date information from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Indian Council of Medica Research (ICRM).
Smarten developed this site as a courtesy to help the community and citizens access and understand fact-based information throughout this difficult period. We invite you to use these tools to educate yourselves and remind you to take practical, recommended precautions during the course of this pandemic.
Please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team for questions about our augmented analytics products and solutions and the use of these solutions on our Smarten Corona COVID-19 Virus Analytics website. Smarten Support Team