Complex BI tools are not suitable for the self-serve environment. These tools are meant only for programmers and data scientists. To empower business users and allow them to achieve goals and contribute to the bottom line, you provide advanced analytics and smart data visualization tools in an easy-to-use environment that encourages user adoption and report and data sharing.
Data Discovery Tools allow business users to leverage advanced analytics to quickly and easily prepare and analyze data and to visualize and explore data, notate, and highlight and share data with others. Business users can leverage advanced analytics tools to identify important ‘nuggets’, buried in traditional data, and connect the dots, find exceptions, identify patterns and trends and predict results. Smart Data Visualization allows users to gather data components and clarify a problem, identify an opportunity or make a decision.
The Smarten advanced data analytics approach is reflected in the ElegantJ BI solution and its self-serve BI tools. ElegantJ BI has been recognized and listed in numerous Gartner market guides and reports.
If you want to add true value to your business users and achieve your objectives, consider the Smarten approach to BI tools for sophisticated, simple data visualization tools and advanced analytics.