The next technology move: Smart Data Visualization, New intuitive graphical displays, Strength to handle Big Data at blazing speeds, Self-Serve Data Prep to merge and prepare your data in one solution. All this put together with Plug and Play predictive analytics to empower users and […]
To be successful in business, every organization must find a way to accurately forecast and predict the future of its market, and its internal operations, and better understand the buying behavior of its customers and prospects. To accurately predict and plan, every enterprise must select […]
If you are considering a Business Intelligence solution, you ought to give some consideration to the concept of Smart Data Visualization and review your prospective solution to determine its capabilities in that regard. Smart Data Visualization provides many benefits to the organization and to the […]
Nearly every organization has BI tools, but not every organization takes the Smarten approach to business intelligence. The components of the Smarten approach include self-serve data preparation and Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis, both of which (when combined with Smart Visualization and Advanced Data […]
The Self-Serve Data Preparation trend is growing by leaps and bounds. Why? Well, there are a lot of reasons to like Self-Serve Data Preparation and Self-Serve Business Intelligence solutions. Here are just a few: Empowering Business Users Making the Best Use of Resources Using Existing […]
If you are frustrated with BI tools, and looking for self-service Advanced Analytics to achieve your goals and empower users, you should understand the difference between traditional BI tools and the Smarten Advanced Data Discovery approach. The Smarten Advanced Data Discovery gives users the freedom […]