Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis: Sophisticated, Yet Easy for Every User! Oh, the confusion of advanced analytical terminology. Read a report, attend a conference and your head is swirling with terms like ‘assisted predictive modeling’, plug n’ play predictive analysis, smart visualization, augmented data discovery […]
Advanced Data Discovery to Advance Your Business! Advanced Data Discovery is only possible with the right data discovery tools. If you want to encourage smart data discovery, you don’t need smarter users – you need smarter tools. Advanced Analytics Tools should be simple enough for […]
Why is Self-Serve Data Preparation So Important? What is self-serve data preparation? It isn’t a method of making up data. It is a method of preparing data that allows the average business user to compile and analyze data without the assistance of a data scientist […]
Don’t Ask Users to Analyze BEFORE They Analyze! Use Smart Visualization! Smart Data Visualisation is a smart choice for your organization. Not every user can anticipate the best way to display and analyze data. Not every user can gain enough insight into the data in […]
Why do we need a graph? Me personally, have never needed a chart to check my sales data. I have used graphs to impress my seniors, who I am not sure if they get impressed with weak numbers presented in innovative graphs. As the numbers […]
Smart Visualization Tools: Analysis and Data Displays Made Simple (and Clear) Smart Data Visualization! This concept seems alien to some people. Is it data that can read your mind and automatically display itself in a way that will help you understand? Is it a method […]
Does not look like a technical heading? It is as serious as my other stuff. And I have forgiven the definition of technical for being ambiguous. The problem for working in a Clickless world starts with the meaning as meant in the input. So, a […]
If your role in business demands that you stay abreast of changes in business analytics, you are probably familiar with the term Smart Data Discovery. You may also have read the recent Gartner report entitled, ‘Augmented Analytics Is the Future of Data and Analytics’, Published 27 July […]
This is a small note on small data. I hope it has a big impact. The common understanding of the world is that one should use predictive and prescriptive data on big data. A vast amount of data, classified and grouped, running analytics to predict […]
Gartner recently released a paper on Augmented Analytics which is described as “An approach that automates insights using machine learning, and natural-language generation.” So as a gyani disseminating free gyan on the internet, I have chosen to write a few words on this. This blog […]