Citizen Data Scientists are Not Born, They are Created! Data analytics software used to be reserved for data scientists, analysts and IT staff but not today! Talk to any business colleague or pick up any technology analyst article and you will find plenty of discussion […]
Whether you are a consumer or a business user, today’s technology users are savvy and they are used to having easy-to-use tools and features that make them more productive and allow them to quickly complete tasks. The same holds true for users of advanced analytics […]
The video describes the key features of Smarten and guides new users to start using the platform. It gets you started by connecting the data, using assisted predictive analytics, smart visualization, and analytics. A dataset with sales data and macroeconomic data is built in this […]
Business markets and competition are moving much more quickly these days and predicting, planning and forecasting is more important than ever. It is also important to ensure that every team member is a real asset to the organization and can contribute their knowledge and skill […]
Predictive Analytics Techniques That Are Easy Enough for Business Users! There are a myriad of predictive analytics techniques and predictive modeling algorithms and you can’t expect your business users to understand and use them. If you are taking on an advanced analytics initiative and you […]
Data visualization may not seem important, but the way you see data can provide additional insight or it can muddle the picture to the point where you will miss critical issues or opportunities. The importance of data visualization is even more evident when that data […]
As business organizations fight for competitive advantage, funding for projects and large expenditures can fall by the wayside. In today’s competitive business market, every senior executive looks at risk, value and calculations like return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO) before approving […]
Data Science and Predictive Analytics Made Simple! Imagine a world where data science and predictive analytics tools are created for business users! That world exists today with the evolution of sophisticated, yet easy-to-use tools that include predictive analytics for business users, visual analytics software and […]
Augmented Analytics Tools and Data Prep Tools Make Life Easy for Business Users! In today’s world, advanced analytics is for everyone. There is no reason to limit access to data preparation software or advanced predictive analytics to data scientists, analysts and IT staff. The evolution […]
Encourage Data Literacy and Create Citizen Data Scientists! Data literacy is a very popular idea these days. As business users adopt and embrace data and advanced analytics, features like predictive analytics for business users make it easier for a user with average skills to leverage […]