Augmented Analytics Can Provide Monitoring, Alerts, and an Understanding of Crucial Relationships!

For business professionals, there are never enough hours in the day. While you are distracted with the day-to-day and putting out all those fires, something critical may happen and you may not even know. How can you keep your finger on the pulse of the business and ensure that you are aware of the issues that arise, the trends that are developing and the things that really need your attention?
‘Business users can stay on top of the issues and be confident that they will a) know when something important happens and b) know WHY it happened and c) have the tools to quickly address the issue.’
No one starts their day with the intention of creating a problem. In fact, the subject of problems and consequences has been studied so carefully that there are specific definitions for all types of issues. For example:
An Unanticipated Problem is, by definition, unexpected, and may or may not result in an adverse event. It may involve increased risk, or harm.
The very best scenario a business user can expect is to rely on a system that will provide ample notice of trends and issues so that, if, and when, a problem occurs, the organization can quickly assess what is causing the problem and fix the issue before it results in a really bad situation. Expecting that there will never be an issue is illogical. Having a way to address those issues when the arise and before them become critical is very wise.
Augmented Analytics with anomaly monitoring and alerts allows you to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and to set up alerts and thresholds so that you will know as soon as something important occurs. AND it allows you to understand what is causing the problem, and all the interrelationships and variables that are in play. There are many benefits to this proactive approach.

- Establish and monitor KPIs and adapt quickly with a personalized approach
- Clearly identify relationships and impact of influencers on targets
- Let the system do the work with auto-recommendations, guidance and alerts on changing impact of influencers on targets, related anomalies and volatility
- Receive and monitor results via email and in-portal notifications
- Business Users and Citizen Data Scientists can compile data, analyze, monitor and manage results with all the confidence of a Data Scientist
- Identify opportunities for improvement to optimize results
- Combine the power of Auto Insights and Key Influencer Analytics with simple tools that enable business users to quickly establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and personalized alerts and reports to monitor and measure results
- Solve problems with full insights into the cause of the problems
- Identify opportunities to improve performance for a target
- Detect anomalies, increases, decreases, volatility, and trends for KPIs with a clear understanding of the reasons for these changes
- Find out what is causing an anomaly by analyzing key influencing factors
- Prescribe change and improvements
- Analyze contributions and understand relationships and the impact of influencers
- Monitor and manage volatility
‘Expecting that there will never be an issue is illogical. Having a way to address those issues when the arise and before them become critical is very wise.’
With the right tools, and with no need for advanced data scientist skills or the assistance of IT professionals, business users can stay on top of the issues and be confident that they will a) know when something important happens and b) know WHY it happened and c) have the tools to quickly address the issue.
Discover the power of Smarten SnapShot Anomaly Monitoring And Alerts, and Augmented Analytics Products.