Embedded BI Improves ROI and TCO for Existing Technology and Benefits Business Users!

Recently, a Forbes article entitled ‘The Competitive Advantages Of Embedded Analytics’, focused on embedding analytics within solutions and apps, stating that ‘By embedding analytics and insights into your company’s applications and products, you can empower your end users to get the answers they need.’ One of the often-overlooked advantages of this strategy is the improvement of return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO).
‘Embedded BI tools are integrated with existing solutions, so there are no data silos and there is no additional, complicated training required for business users.’
By implementing an Embedded BI strategy, and adding business intelligence tools and augmented analytics to your team workflow, your business can better leverage existing technology investments and encourage user adoption of analytics and use of existing solutions. In this article, we look at three ways embedded BI can benefit your team members and, in so doing, improve ROI and TCO for existing technology.

Seamless Integration of Analytics
Augmented Analytics and embedded BI tools that leverage integration APIs, put the power of analytics right in the middle of the workflow, by adding these tools within the familiar apps and software solutions your team members know. These integrated features allow seamless, intuitive access to analytics and improve user adoption rate, lower TCO and improve ROI. Access to Embedded BI Objects from within your application is easy to use, and scalable with BI objects, Dashboards, Crosstab, Tabular, KPIs, Graphs, Reports, Clickless Analytics, etc.
Value-Add for Team Tasks and Roles
Your existing technology investment in software solutions and applications, whether best-of-breed, ERP, or other type of app, may be familiar and used often by your team, but the addition of useful analytics gives your team yet another reason to use the existing technology by adding value, e.g., fact-based decision-making, clear, concise reports that can be used for staff meetings and presentations, and objective metrics that will help business users to perform optimally.
No Additional Training
Embedded BI tools are integrated with existing solutions, so there are no data silos and there is no additional, complicated training required for business users. Single Sign-On Access (SSO) provides access to analytics, using the same login credentials as those employed to access the business application. Businesses will have the confidence of leveraging existing security protocols including OAuth2, OpenID and other custom SSO authentications. Enterprise developers can implement custom SSO authentication using AD or Open LDAP to link Smarten with existing portals or applications.
‘By implementing an Embedded BI strategy, and adding business intelligence tools and augmented analytics to your team workflow, your business can better leverage existing technology investments.’
Explore the Smarten approach to Embedded BI And Integration APIs to add powerful functionality and provide access to existing ERP, SCM, HRMS, CRM or any other products and to provide analytics capabilities within existing products without major Investment. Your business users will say ‘yes’ to analytics and you can achieve the results you want.