If You Want Your Users to Adopt BI Tools, Embedded BI is the Way to Go!

If you are considering a business intelligence or augmented analytics solution for your business users, or if you have already invested in these tools, you will want to focus on user adoption and, to meet the expectations of your executive team and IT staff, you must ensure return on investment (ROI) and a low total cost of ownership (TCO). But user adoption is often difficult to achieve. Users are familiar with their existing tools and solutions and workflow, and humans are notoriously resistant to change!
The key to achieving your goals for user adoption, ROI and TCO is to pursue an embedded business intelligence (BI) strategy. If your team needs convincing, here are just a few statistics and results reported by organizations currently using the Embedded BI approach to analytics.
- 67% of companies say that time spent in their applications increased after they embedded analytics
- 85% of commercial applications are currently embedding analytics capabilities
- 93% of application teams say that embedded analytics improves the user experience
- 96% of application teams say embedded analytics contributes to overall revenue growth
- …and if you are a technology company, currently selling an app, you might wish to consider the fact that 68% of commercial application teams charge more for analytics in their apps!
‘Integrating embedded analytics and BI tools within a familiar enterprise application allows users a single sign-on (SSO) experience, and puts analytical tools right at their fingertips, within their familiar applications.’
The undeniable fact is that your business users know their enterprise apps. They are familiar with the workflow and the features and the processes, and they know where to find information and how to use it within these familiar applications. They DO NOT want to use a silo application that requires them to move data around to get it into an analytical solution and then use that solution to analyze data and results, and they DEFNITELY DO NOT want to learn a complex new analytical system. So, user adoption will suffer, if you take that approach!

Integrating embedded analytics and BI tools within a familiar enterprise application allows users a single sign-on (SSO) experience, and puts analytical tools right at their fingertips, within their familiar applications. If the tools are easy-to-use, your business users do not need specialized skills to successfully analyze and use data, so they can quickly and easily make fact-based decisions, and support your enterprise goals and objectives.
Here are some real benefits you can reap from using embedded BI tools:
End User Organizations – Internal IT teams can easily integrate and embed BI objects within their ERP, CRM, Intranet portal or other applications, to improve user adoption and maximize Business Intelligence ROI.
ISV and OEM Partners – Leverage Embedded BI and Integration APIs to add powerful functionality and provide access to existing ERP, SCM, HRMS, CRM or any other products and to provide analytics capabilities within existing products without major Investment. Reduce time to market and stay ahead in the competition!
‘The key to achieving your goals for user adoption, ROI and TCO is to pursue an embedded business intelligence (BI) strategy.’
You can find out more about the Smarten Embedded BI And Integration APIs solution and add powerful functionality and access to existing ERP, SCM, HRMS, CRM or any other products. Provide analytics capabilities within existing products without major Investment. Your business users and your customers will appreciate the ease-of-use and access and you will gain a competitive advantage. Read our White Paper: ‘Making The Case For Embedded BI And Analytics.’