Mobile BI Provides Numerous Benefits. Explore the Possibilities!

According to recent research, every industry is adopting mobile business intelligence as a means of staying abreast of crucial data, collaborating from within and outside the office and enabling business agility and digital transformation (Dx). Here are just a few of the statistics for the industries making significant moves into the Mobile BI market:
Software Tech
Professional Services
Financial Services
These are just some of the industries and vertical markets embracing mobile BI to enhance and improve the business model.
‘Add powerful functionality and access for your business users with out-of-the-box Mobile BI and advanced analytics for every team member.’

If you are considering adding Mobile BI to your technology landscape, here are a few of the benefits you will achieve:
User Access, Anytime Anywhere
While remote work has grown in popularity over the past few decades, the pandemic increased the speed of this trend and embedded remote work within most organizations as a permanent reality. Whether you are trying to do more with fewer resources, or your team is spending more time on the road, your users need access to data while they are outside the office. It is important for them to be productive, to be able to collaborate and to keep the workflow and approval processes going, no matter where they are working. Mobile BI allows users to access data from disparate data repositories and use that data in a mobile environment from any type of device to identify issues, find the root cause of a problem, capitalize on an opportunity and collaborate and share data with other users.
Enterprise Agility
By sharing data and collaborating with user access across the enterprise, the organization can ensure that everyone has the right information to do their job and that users have real-time access for data, enhancing operating efficiency and creating an agile work environment that gets the job done more quickly and more accurately. The organization can reduce the time it takes to complete tasks and assure that projects are executed with fewer missteps and as efficiently as possible.
Mobile access makes it easier for users to adopt and leverage tools so return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO) are enhanced. Make it easier for team members to do their jobs and they will respond by adopting the tools you have invested in, thereby increasing the acceptance of augmented analytics and data-driven decisions across the organization.
‘If you are considering adding Mobile BI to your technology landscape, you will achieve many benefits.’
Explore Smarten Mobile Augmented Analytics And Mobile BI and add powerful functionality and access for your business users with out-of-the-box Mobile BI and advanced analytics for every team member. For more information on Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics, read our article, Mobile BI Solves Real World Problems And Improves ROI And TCO.