Gujarat Environment Management Institute (GEMI) is an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 certified Autonomous Institute under the auspices of the Gujarat Forest Department agency. The GEMI charter supports the “Think Global, Act Local” concept and is integrally involved in the pursuit of environmental protection for India. The Client team is engaged in assuring sustainable development, and provides research to measure and gauge the impact of various human, economic and industrial activities on the environment. GEMI is focused on developing standards for prevention of negative environmental impacts and performs lab testing on air, water, wastewater, microbiology and soil.
The Gujarat Environment Management Institute (GEMI) charter supports and encourages sustainable development, and provides research to gauge the impact of human, economic and industrial activities on the environment and the Client team develops standards for prevention of negative environmental impacts. Working with the Client team, the Smarten team conceived, designed and built a linear regression model to analyze, monitor and manage data related to river and soil attributes and to provide clear, analysis of the parameters that affect the selected target variables and identify which ones are not relevant, as well as to quantify the impact of each significant attribute on selected target variables. The solution combines the Smarten augmented analytics approach to modern business intelligence and advanced analytics and integrates the solution with the R scripting environment. This advanced analytical solution checks assumptions within the regression model, identifies important variables impacting the targeted output, identifies the relationship between significant variables and targeted variables, and measures the magnitude of change in selected target variables, and it provides ongoing benefits from self-serve dashboards, flexible reporting and KPIs so the Client can slice and dice, drill down, drill through and visualize data without the assistance of programmers. This new solution provides numerous benefits to help the Client team meet future challenges and plan for the future.