Why Do I Need Self-Serve Data Preparation?

Why would your business need Self-Serve Data Preparation? Perhaps you have a team that includes IT professionals that can prepare data for analysis or maybe you have a business analyst or a data scientist to serve that need. But, there are plenty of good reasons to consider data preparation tools that are easy enough for every team member to use.
Exactly what is self-service data preparation? It’s simple, really. Self Service Data Preparation is a solution and tool that allows business users with average skills and no data science background to use Augmented Data Preparation. Users can gather data from disparate data sources and prepare that data using self-serve ETL (for data extraction, transformation and loading) to cleanse and reduce data and take other actions with guidance to walk them through each step so they end up with data that is pristine and ready for analysis. And by using an augmented analytics solution, they can easily complete the process and gain insight into data – all without the assistance of an IT pro or data scientist.
By following these simple steps, business users can gather, prepare and analyze data on their own and make decisions that are data-driven and fact-based. Your enterprise can improve user adoption of analytical tools, improve the quality and accuracy of decisions and optimize the time and resources of your expert IT and data science or business analyst team as well as the time and knowledge of your business users.
If you want to give your business users advanced analytics tools that are easy to use, Contact Us to see how Self-Serve Data Prep can simplify and streamline your analytics and business user workflow.