Results Don’t Lie! Embedded BI Improves Productivity, and Customer and Team Satisfaction!

Research reveals that, ‘96% of application teams say embedded analytics contributes to overall revenue growth.’ If your business is looking for ways to improve revenue growth, look no further than embedded BI. While investment in new technology and tools for your team may seem an unlikely way to achieve revenue growth, the results do not lie!
‘Provide analytics capabilities within existing products without major Investment.’
If you still need convincing, consider these research results and factors:

67% of companies say time spent in their applications increased after they embedded analytics – If your business users are eager to adopt and leverage the technology solutions you provide, your return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO) will improve. Beyond that, you can also expect to gain more insight and reveal those all-important ‘nuggets’ of information that make the difference between success and failure in a project, a customer relationship, a supplier choice or a market position. There is a lot of information contained within ERP, HR, SCM, CRM and other organizational solutions. Sifting through the information within those popular applications and solutions can be difficult. By embedding business intelligence and augmented analytics within the confines of an enterprise app, your users can leverage familiar tools and tasks to gather and analyze information, all within a single sign-on environment, so they don’t waste any time or energy and they aren’t frustrated by silo systems that require hours of manual manipulation to achieve results.
93% of application teams say embedded analytics improves their user experience – Business users, suppliers, customers, and stakeholders report improved user experience (Ux) when using embedded analytics. Not only can they gather information and perform tasks within their enterprise apps but they can quickly and easily navigate the data contained within those apps to obtain clear results, report, share data and fulfill their responsibilities. If team members and stakeholders clearly understand how to use the tools, they are more likely to use them and they will be more productive when they use these tools.
94% of application teams report higher customer satisfaction due to embedded analytics – When a business implements embedded BI within its customer solutions and interfaces, it can provide more tools to serve a customer, provide better service and achieve higher customer satisfaction. Embedded BI provides value to customers and that means they are more likely to be loyal to your products and services.
‘By embedding business intelligence and augmented analytics within the confines of an enterprise app, your users can leverage familiar tools and tasks to gather and analyze information, all within a single sign-on environment.’
Explore the Smarten approach to Embedded BI And Integration APIs to add powerful functionality and provide access to existing ERP, SCM, HRMS, CRM or any other products and to provide analytics capabilities within existing products without major Investment. Your business users will appreciate the ease-of-use and access, save time, and avoid frustration!