Planning for Citizen Data Scientists & Augmented Analytics Initiatives!

When a business chooses to follow the guidance of Gartner and embrace the Citizen Data Scientist initiative to transform business users and provide analytical tools for all team members, it must approach the initiative with appropriate planning.
These initiatives are not as easy as choosing a software solution, but rather must also include a comprehensive approach to shifting the culture within the enterprise. Business users must be involved and must see the value of having and using these types of solutions in order to do their job and fulfill the role assigned to them. If you are planning to empower and hold these users accountable, you must implement these changes carefully so that the new culture does not seem like a punishment but rather is seen as an additional, valuable tool that every user can embrace in order to make their job easier and enable them to plan more accurately and with confidence so that there are no surprises or negative outcomes based on guesswork.
Management, IT, analysts, Data Scientists and business users and managers must be involved in reviewing the existing work processes and engaging augmented analytics solutions that provide sophisticated tools in an easy-to-use environment. Candidates for Citizen Data Scientist positions should be identified, and the business should look for users who are already power users of technology, those who are curious and embrace new tools and those who are seen as leaders in the business community. These users can become champions of the Citizen Data Scientist role, Augmented Analytics tools that support sophisticated analytics with easy-to-use features, and the move to collaboration and data-driven decisions.
Staff meetings and reports should shift from opinion and ‘gut feeling’ discussions to discussions where managers and team members are encouraged to present data and analytics to support their recommendations and ideas for change or action.
If you are interested in finding out more about these initiatives and how to plan for a successful implementation, you can start here. Prepare for Augmented Analytics and Citizen Data Scientists.