What Are the Advantages of Advanced Analytics?
If you are considering an advanced analytics solution, you are probably wondering what you might get from the solution. Are there real benefits to this type of solution and to the democratization of data and the implementation of a self-serve augmented analytics solution that is meant for business users?
The answer to all those questions is a resounding, ‘yes’! Augmented Analytics Advantages are numerous! By implementing this type of advanced analytics solution in your organization, you can empower business users and hold them accountable for decisions. You can plan and forecast with more confidence, and you can make accurate, timely business decisions that are dependable. You can identify opportunities, solve problems and share data to ensure that everyone in the organization is informed, and working with the latest data.
With the right, self-serve tools, you can provide a sophisticated environment that is easy to use and allows for guidance and recommendations to ensure the appropriate type of smart data visualization, and provide support for self-serve data preparation and assisted predictive modeling to help users through the planning process. Advanced Analytics Benefits include advantages for business users AND for data scientists:
For Business Users
- Support for day-to-day business decisions
- Insight, perspective and analysis
- Quick hypothesis and prototyping
- Improved agility for business development
- Timely and accurate decision-making
- Emergence of power users and data popularity
- Transformation to citizen data scientists
For Data Scientists
- Reduction in day-to-day requests
- Ability to focus on strategic projects
- Focus on projects that require 100% accuracy
- Ability to achieve mature modeling goals
If you would like to give your organization a competitive advantage, and discover the Advantages of Augmented Analytics, Contact Us.