Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics Improves Agility, Adaptability and Productivity!

Today’s management teams are demanding! Team members must do more and time is short. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and most of those reasons relate to the competition and to the constantly changing nature of customer behavior and expectations. Whether your company manufactures and sells smart phones, owns a restaurant chain, makes clothing, sells jewelry, or treats patients in a medical facility, things are always changing.
‘Translate your business intelligence and analytics solution into a mobile environment to make your team members nimble and help you accomplish your tasks more accurately and productively.’
To stay ahead of these changes, your business is likely to use business intelligence (BI) tools and augmented analytics, designed for team members to enable swift and accurate analysis of everything from product pricing to production, design, the choice of business location, training initiatives for employees, investment decisions and…well, you get the point!
In this article, we look at the importance of keeping your team in touch with current results and allowing them to query and analyze data while in the office, working remotely, participating in a staff meeting or meeting with a client. In other words: the importance of Mobile BI. By some accounts, Mobile BI is in place in more than 30% of the organizations using business intelligence solutions.

If your team members have access to augmented analytics and mobile BI, they can receive alerts on the road, dive into data and answer client questions, review, approve and make decisions with the right data at their fingertips. Changes happen, issues arise and problems occur, whether you are in the office or on the road. Your team needs flexible tools that allow them to adapt to changing environs and to answer questions with confidence. In other words, they need information – accurate, detailed information. The longer it takes to adapt to a situation, the more it will cost the organization and the longer it will take to remedy a situation. The longer it takes to answer a client question, the longer it will take to get that purchase order approved, or to resolve a crucial issue that may affect customer satisfaction.
Your team has the skills and experience to do the job but if they don’t have the right tools, they can’t apply their knowledge and skill to get the outcome you need as an organization. Agility is crucial in a competitive environment. Being able to move quickly and to have the right information to make a decision is mandatory. Flexible augmented analytics and dependable mobile access via iOS or Android allows your users to use any device to retrieve and analyze information. Scalable, responsive mobile access ensures that your team can react quickly without delays or cumbersome workarounds.
With mobile BI that is accessible by all, data is democratized and users can share reports and move projects and approvals forward. A quick query or check of information can answer a question that allows the rest of the team to proceed without waiting for you to get back to the office. Shared approval chains and report formats and scheduling ensure that you will get what you need as you are working at the airport or at home. We all have to be more productive today, and we struggle to make the most of our time. With clear, concise, mobile BI analytical and reporting tools, we can be more productive, get the task done and move on to the next thing.
‘Mobile BI keeps your team in touch with current results and allows them to query and analyze data while in the office, working remotely, participating in a staff meeting or meeting with a client.’
There are many other examples of the benefits of a Mobile BI, augmented analytics environment. The examples provided here are meant to help you see how translating your business intelligence and analytics solution into a mobile environment can make your team members nimble and help you to accomplish your tasks more accurately and productively.
Explore Smarten Mobile Augmented Analytics And Mobile BI and add powerful functionality and access for your business users with out-of-the-box Mobile BI and advanced analytics for every team member. For more information on Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics, read our article, What Should My Business Consider When Selecting A Mobile BI Solution?