Client is a Saudi Arabia based company established in 1976, offering a wide range of services across multiple locations. The Company started with construction of various private and government facilities such as residential and commercial buildings, roads and other infrastructure for the development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
With a pool of highly qualified professional managers, engineers and staff applying the latest technologies in business management and engineering techniques, the company provides its clients with a wide range of services. Services offered by the company include:
- General Contracting for building Roads, Bridges and Dams
- Water Treatment Plants
- Water Distribution Networks
- Sewage Treatment Plants and Sewage Networks
- Industrial Electrical Works
- Industrial Mechanical Works
- Operations and Maintenance Works
- Poultry Farms
- Plantations
- Electronics and Telecommunications Works
The Company eventually expanded into more diversified Group of Companies. Each one has proven to be successful in its respective area of services by not only being able to cope up with increasing demands, but also by maintaining the highest standards of services to their clients.
The company’s employee strength is around 2500, consisting of Management, Technical staff, Admin, Support and Other personnel.
The Smarten team successfully implemented the Business Intelligence with augmented analytics and traditional and modern BI components in one platform. It addressed all needs of the client. Smarten team defined and implemented effective KPIs suited to client’s business functions and monitored their performance using various BI tools incorporated in Smarten Suite. This helped client teams answer critical business questions and derive desired information within a specified timeframe.
Smarten’s primary value propositions – Simple to use, Practical to deploy, and Affordable to all – contributed to the success of the project.
In addition:
- Rapid implementation of Proof of Concept was done and made available to all users.
- The simple, easy to use, intuitive interface reduced training needs and ensured more user acceptance.
- Smarten ensured that users at various levels could create reports and analytics on their own, without any programmer or developer support.
- Enterprise architecture with zero foot print browser interface ensured rapid roll out across various divisions to large number of users.
- Compatibility with all popular Smart Phones and Tablets made the solution available at their fingertips.
- Low cost of acquisition, Short rollout time, less training needs, added to lower TCO.
Smarten has been a perfect fit for this client, optimizing the value of their existing ERP application and converting their information requirement challenge into a huge competitive advantage at an unbelievable cost and time.
The success of this project provides a perfect example of how Smarten’s superior architecture, simplicity of use and short implementation cycle helps leverage value of customers’ existing IT investments and offers the best TCO to customers.