The trend toward analytics is growing globally. Even the smallest business is jumping on the bandwagon, and with good reason. With market changes, shifts in customer buying behavior and the need to spend wisely, businesses must make data-driven decisions if they are to be competitive and plan logically for growth.
But, when one considers the rate of user adoption for analytics, the results are discouraging. In a Gartner Analytics and BI Magic Quadrant customer reference survey, the average modern analytics and BI Adoption rate was estimated at 35%. Among the reasons for poor user adoption were the absence of self-serve BI capabilities, dependence on IT team, inflexibility of data silos, and lack of access to intuitive BI tools for deep dive, predictive and descriptive features.
If your business is considering the implementation of analytics to support data democratization and/or a Citizen Data Scientist initiative, there is no reason to be discouraged by the reported history of poor user adoption. With the right business intelligence and augmented analytics solution and the right approach, you can improve ROI, TCO and user adoption.
The key is to choose a solution and an approach that includes embedded BI and Application Programming Interface capabilities – Integration APIs. In this way, your users can access analytics from within familiar enterprise applications, mobile applications and even on websites, delivering crucial, timely data to users across the organization or to customers.
Here are just some of the benefits of this approach to augmented analytics:
- Access to Embedded BI Objects from within Your Application leveraging features and functionality like Dashboards, Crosstab, Tabular, KPIs, Graphs, Reports, Clickless Analytics and more.
- Flexible Deployment via public or private cloud, or enterprise on-premises hardware. Deploy anywhere!
- Single Sign-On Access (SSO) using the same login credentials as those employed to access the business application.
- Provide unique solutions and analytics integration without significant investment
- Improve user adoption and ROI for BI investments
- Support rapid implementation and deployment – quick, efficient and simple!
- Provide embedded BI and access to timely data for public websites, to deliver crucial updates and analytics
If your business wants to leverage analytics and ensure user adoption rate, lower TCO and improve ROI with Embedded BI and Augmented Analytics, Integration APIs provide intuitive, self-serve BI tools from within enterprise applications and public websites so you can put the power of facts, data and business insight in the hands of business users. With access to self-serve analytics from within familiar enterprise apps, BI adoption and use increases exponentially, so you can leverage all the benefits and advantages of augmented analytics.
Whether your business needs seamless BI and analytics access for team members, or you want to expand your own software product and improve your competitive status in the market, Smarten Embedded BI and Integration APIs holds the key to your success. For more information about how Augmented Analytics can support user adoption and business success, explore our white paper: ‘Integrate Augmented Analytics and Digital Transformation to Achieve Continuous Business Improvement’.